Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30, 2012

It was great to talk to you on Friday! 

I look forward to getting Grandma's letter. I've really appreciated of all the letters she sent me during my mission!
Congratulations to Jon bowling yesterday. Good job for him reading the Old Testament! I'm sure that dinner will be great.
The Fantasmic event also sounds great. I'm jealous. But I'm still looking forward to the Halloween party! That will be fun too!
Our weekend was pretty slow. Saturday was a day of no one being home. We did however get a lesson with Honey, our newest investigator. She definitely believes the Lord has lead her to be searching for truth right now, and I think she believes that we may have the right answers for her questions. We get to have another lesson with her Tuesday, along with service. We'll either get to paint her trailer or weed her garden: should be fun!
Yesterday was okay. Same as most of the week: most of our appointments cancelled, but one stuck. That just seemed to be the theme of the week: cancelled appointments left and right. I guess I should count my blessings that at least we HAVE appointments TO get cancelled...but that'd be really nice if we'd actually be able to meet with all the people that we plan to during the week!!
Anyways...other highlights from this week.........It's hard to think of any. It was a pretty bland week. =( Sister Hone is the sister in charge of exchanges in this part of the mission, so she went on exchanges twice this past week. Sister Morgan and I got to spend a day with Sister Saxton (from Colorado) and a day with Sister Alberts. It was fun being companions with her again for a day. She's had another niece/nephew born since she was my companion, and she found out that her twin is expecting her second baby and is due just a few weeks before Sister Alberts goes exciting!
For the most part the weather was pretty good last started getting cloudy agian towards the end of the week. Don't ever know the forecast ourselves, but we're always hoping for sun, rather than clouds!

Oh...we got to teach Young Women's yesterday! that was fun! We did a lesson on how to set SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely). I think the girls enjoyed it: we had one of the girls tape an index card to the front of her face while she tried to work her way towards her "goal" of reaching the chalkboard, so that she could see side-to-side, or "in the moment" she was in right then, but she couldn't look directly at the goal she was working towards. Then we talked about how SMART goals try to minimize the things that block us from our goals, and what other things we might need to "get out of our face" (like disobedience, if we're striving towards the temple, or sleeping in, if we're striving towards being on time to seminary).
Yep. I think that's about all the updates I have for you.
Hope today is a good day for you! Keep having a positive attitude, even thought it's hard. I love you!!! and I miss you!
-Sister Holdsworth

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