Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 16, 2012

This morning when we came to email, the computers shut down in the middle of reading your emails. So, I read your first email about Sister Stumpf getting transferred.....but I didn't get to read the second one, so we were very concerned for a moment! That makes a lot more sense about Sister Stumpf NOT getting transferred and knowing her companion already. She's being trained right now (which means, with the new training program the missionary department has come out with, that you already know that the trainee and trainer will stay together for at least two transfers) so we were very concerned for Sister Stumpf and Sister Miller (her trainer) and what would have happened that Sister Stumpf was getting transferred!! Glad to know nothing bad has happened. That's unfortunate they're becoming a bike area though! =(

Well...we found out on Thursday that Sister Chudleigh is TRAINING! Her third transfer! So that means that I'm being transferred...where to, we don't know, so you'll just have to find out next week. It's kind of weird being transferred after just 6 weeks in an area, but I'm excited; I'm thinking this next area will probably be my last. With this new sister coming in we'll be up to 22 sisters, which means a new area is opening! I was thinking I wouldn't be one of the sisters to "whitewash" the new area, (because we heard through the grapevine that President had told Sister Miller the new area was going to be a bike area) but now, I'm thinking maybe that rumor morphed from MV1 BECOMMING a bike area...so maybe I will get to whitewash! That'd be exciting. I don't think there's an area that I wouldn't like to go to, though.
Anyways...so Sister Chudleigh was getting all prepared, mentally, to get back on bike, but then we got a call this morning from the APs that her trainee has a health issue that she can't ride a bike either....so for now, the Redmond 1st area is still a car area. I feel bad for Mt. Vernon 1st if that's the reason they're becoming a bike area...but Redmond really has way too many hills to sensibly be a bike area to begin with....in my opinion.
Thanks for asking about how teaching went this week. This past week we had a lot of appointments set up with potential new investigators....but they all fell through. Most of them rescheduled for next week though, which will be good for the new sister's first week. We weren't able to teach Ed, because he's still recovering from his phenomena, which means they'll probably have to push his baptismal date back a week or two (hopefully still within the next transfer though so that I can come back to visit for it!).
We DID however, find a new investigator yesterday! =D FINALLY!!!! The Spanish Elders left us a voice mail during church that they had a member approach them and tell them about his wife/girlfriend, Katie. Apparently she's been asking him a lot of questions about the church so we went over that afternoon and talked to her. She said that she's had a lot of people she knows give her anti-Mormon literature, and she has a hard time believing that actual people believe some of the stuff she's read that we beleive, so she wants to talk to someone that actually IS Mormon, other than ther husband/boyfriend....well, what a great reason to meet with missionaries! =) Based on our conversation with her yesterday, I'd say she's super prepared to receieve the gospel. I'm sad that I won't be able to teach her again, but I am quite relieved to not be leaving Sister Chudleigh with just ONE lone investigator (that is kind of out of commission for the time being).
Anyways, hope you're all having a good week! Love you! Miss you!
Sister Holdsworth

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