Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 23, 2012

I hope you're doing okay this morning; glad you were able to make it to sacrament meeting yesterday. I'm glad that you were able to call last week too, even if it wasn't with good news. I'm glad you feel like you're being blessed for me serving a mission....I hope that you are.... I'm very glad that you weren't actually having an autopsy done! haha! (Jonathan got "autopsy" confused with "biopsy") Thank you for keeping me updated on what is going on with you. I hope the surgery isn't too painful this week, and that it helps!
I'm also very glad and appreciative that it sounds like the ward is stepping up to help out. Do you know if you're going to be able to keep working at Hermosa? I'm glad you've been getting cards from the students. I know that everyone at the school must miss having their favorite librarian.
I got Jon's birthday card in the mail today....hopefully it gets there in time =/ I was thrown off all week on what day it was and didn't realized until yesterday that I probably should have already sent it.
This week has been great in Lynnwood. My companions are Sister Hone (from St. George, Utah) and Sister Morgan (from Indiana). This is Sister Hone's last transfer and Sister Morgan's second transfer. Sister Hone and I have wanted to be companions our whole missions, and we'd just about given up hope of ever being companions....we were both shocked on Tuesday!! But we're loving serving together; and Sister Morgan is quite enjoyable to be around as well! =) We've been pretty busy this week, and we have tons of appointments for next week.
The highlight of this past week was finding a new investigator! Her name is Honey. Sister Hone served in this area at the start of her mission, and when she first met Honey tracting Honey said that she really loved her church but would go to our church if the sisters went with her. Well...obviously Honey didn't come an investigator then...but when we stopped by last week she told us that she'd actually been praying about her church a few months ago and had started to feel like it wasn't now she's not attending it at all! Now she's super open to hearing about the gospel. She's also legally blind, and there is a couple that just recently moved into our ward that both the husband and the wife are legally blind....I don't think that's a coincidence!! So we're really excited about her.
The ward welcomed me with a ward party on Friday...not really. The young women in the ward put on a Cafe Rio style dinner, followed by a cake auction to raise money for girls camp. The desserts the girls made were really impressive, and a lot of them went for a good price! The highest bid was from our Bishop for $70 for some homemade eclairs.

I can't really think of anything that I need. More sleep maybe? Haha. I think you'd have a hard time mailing that to me though....if you find out how, you could make millions there's an idea.  
Anyways....hope you're doing okay. I love you and I miss you. Can't wait until mother's day!
Sister Holdsworth

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