Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7, 2012

Hi! Sorry you haven't been feeling too good. 

I'm glad Dad got to spend some time in Utah. It's sad to hear about Grandma Donna, but it's good that he got to visit with everyone.
I got Grandma's card. Got a chance to write her a quick note back this morning, so hopefully she'll get that soon. Glad to hear that Jon and Karley and everyone else are being as helpful as they can. I sure appreciate it since there's not a whole lot I can do from here.
This week was pretty rough, lots of pain this week, especially yesterday. Don't know if fasting had anything to do with that or not. It's really frustrating being in so much pain all the time; but it's even more frustrating feeling like I physically can't give the same 100% I've gotten used to on my mission. It's been a hard week, let's just say that. I don't know how much Sister Wilson has been updating you or not. I've talked with our area medical advisor and he's not really sure what to do with me. For now, he had me make an appointment with a neurologist for mid-June and we'll see what he says. The medical advisor thinks it could be any number of things and it'll depend on how much testing I need to do what'll need to happen.
We had an okay week missionary work-wise. We had some really productive lessons with our investigators. One, Honey, is legally blind, and Saturday we were able to introduce her to a couple in our ward that the husband and wife are both legally blind. They have already gone above and beyond to fellowship Honey and have offered to help familiarize her with resources that will be helpful to her (she only began losing her sight in January of this year). It's so great to have such natural fellowshippers!
We also had a great lesson with our investigator Nick. His wife was baptized in March, but he's still not sure about a few things. We talked with him about the interview questions and qualifications for baptism and really were able to see how we can help fill in a few gaps for him. We have another lesson with him later tongiht; I'm really looking forward to it.
We only had three cancellations this week, which was so helpful! Very grateful for that.
Another highlight of the week was that we got to go to the temple on Saturday! One of Sister Hone's recent converts went to the temple to receive her endowments. It was very exciting! I'm very grateful I got to go to the temple last week!!
Anyways...I think that's about everything!
I love you and I miss you! You're all in my prayers!!! can't wait to talk to you next Sunday!
Sister Holdsworth

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