Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 6, 2011 Letter

(Last week there was no e-mail letter as it was Memorial Day and Heather couldn't use the Public Library computer. I have officially declared no more Monday holidays while Heather is on her mission, don't think it will do much that I have declared this...but I do it anyway)

Hello everyone! Right now I'm picturing Grandma and Mom fighting over the computer screen on the ship to see who can read my email first...but maybe you'll be okay taking turns lol (yes, this pretty much describes how we were at the ship's internet cafe)
I have been getting all of the cards you are sending my way. I really appreciate getting all the letters! It adds some variety to my lunch breaks...So please keep the mail coming =)
The baptism on Saturday was wonderful! We had a really good turn out, and we were able to set an appointment to begin teaching Amber's (our RECENT CONVERT's ;) ) brother! And Amber's grandmother seemed to really enjoy the baptism too...When I talked to her she didn't seem very interested in learning more about the Church, but our bishop seems to think otherwise...I guess we'll just wait and see.
So! I don't remember if I metioned Dustin in my last email...but some elders in another ward who have been teaching this YSA age investigator turned him over to us for the branch last week...and his baptism is going to be on the 11th! The branch is really excited...we haven't had any investigators for the branch since January. He hasn't even met most of the branch because he was only able to stay for Sacrament meeting yesterday, and a lot of people sound like they're planning on coming. =) So...hoorah! Baptism!
I'm trying to work hard and stay positive. I'm so thankful we're getting referrals for new investigators because it really seems like we haven't been putting much time into finding activities...It's been really frustrating for me. but like I said, I'm trying to stay positive.
So...not much else is new. I'm worried about one of our investigators--the man from Taiwan--because we haven't seen him in almost three weeks and I'm fairly certain he still has no idea why we had to cancel our last appointment (...three weeks ago...). I'm trying to figure things out though...and to not be too hard on myself...or on my companion. We just got a new ward mission leader after not having one for almost the whole time I've been here...and we just found out yesterday that we're getting a new mission leader for the branch...That should be interesting. I think I'm having a delayed anxiety attack over Sister Townsend leaving now that he is being released...I coped with a lot of my worries about the area at her leaving because I knew I'd still be working with him, and he really did a fantastic job magnifying his calling. But that's the way of things. I'm sure the new BML will be just as good.
So far my joints haven't been too much of a bother. My knee hurts some nights when we get home but it's usually fine by the morning.
Last week was pretty rainy, but yesterday and today have been beautiful! I'm even in a 3/4 length shirt today! I guess you brought the sunshine with you! Thanks!
I hope you enjoy your cruise! You should send me a few pictures so I can see the things you did.
Love you all!
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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