Monday, May 23, 2011

May 23, 2011 Letter

Hello everyone! How are you doing? Things are going great here...
WE'RE OFFICIALLY HAVING A BAPTISM JUNE 4!!! The font is reserved, she's having her baptismal interview next Sunday...It's so exciting!! I don't remember if I told you about her or not...she's been attending church with her boyfriend's family for about a year now. She decided she wanted to get baptized about two weeks ago and we've been teaching her since! She's such the sweetest girl. Last night we went to a stake cottage meeting (fireside for recent converts to share their conversion stories to investigators, returning members, etc.) and she's really excited to be able to share her own story at our next mission cottage meeting.
So...other miracles we've seen this past week...we had another "walk-in" investigator at church yesterday. She thought we were a Lutheran church she'd gotten the address off of the internet for, but a lot of the members greeted her as she came in the foyer, so she decided to stay since she felt so welcomed! Sacrament meeting was all about FHE, which I think really intrigued her since she seems concerend about her 4 year old daughter being raised righteously. She was a little overwhelmed by the different jargon we use, but she was very comfortable asking us questions, and she took a copy of the Book of Mormon and said she planned to read it before our lesson we set up for Saturday! We are still not 100% sure THIS walk-in is from our area...but hopefully she is! And hopefully she stays interested!
The two YW we're teaching attended a stake overnighter this past weekend. It sounds like they really enjoyed it from their leader's perspective; we weren't able to talk to them because they've been sick and left church early since they weren't feeling well. They are still planning on going to the ward's girls camp though! (I guess the stake doesn't have the funds to do a week girls camp, so the wards do their own long girls camp, and the stake does a one-night camp trip...)
My new companion is Sister Blackburn. She is from Council Bluffs, Iowa. We get along pretty well. She's been out about six months and this is her frist time being senior companion. We have lots of fun together, and I think we have great things in store for this transfer! =)
I guess I'm eating as well as the members feed me? haha Usually we get pretty balanced meals. It's pretty seems whenever I'm craving something the members seem to read my mind! I've been craving brocolli, for instance, and last night at our Bishops house, our Bishop's wife had some delicious brocolli for me! It was awesome! And we've been having more Mexican food since my first few weeks here (maybe word has traveled that I love it so much haha).
Our Bishop and his family are actually planning a trip to Disneyland in the summer. July 1-3 I think it was. I told them that if they're there for three days, there's pretty good odds my mom will be there at the same time! So maybe you'll run into them!
Anyways...that's most of what I'm doing here. Hope everything is going well in California! Hope the weather stays nice for you!
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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