Monday, June 20, 2011

June 20, 2011 Letter

Sounds like you've all been very busy! it sounds like girls camp was fun, and I enjoyed hearing about Dad's gigs.
So, as I'm sure you're wondering: why did the e-mail take so much longer today than normal? Well, once or twice a transfer we have p-day with our district. Today we went out to the beach on Camano Island (and I think I got a little sunburnt! who would have thought!) to play frisbee. We ended up playing frisbee in the church parking lot while we waited for two of the elders to arrive, and then just spent time at the beach exploring the driftwood and looking for crabs. We named them after Book of Mormon prophets when we found them. And then decided we're all definitely missionaries.
The Elders and I spent some time hypothizing about where Jimmer is headed, but we've all been out of the loop long enough we only came to the conclusion that none of us knew what's going on! So definitely keep us updated!
After that we went to a member's house and he cooked us some of the best hot dogs ever. Sister Blackburn (my companion) wasn't that impressed with them after I'd been hyping them up all weekend, but I like them at least. Now we're at the library in one of the elder's areas to save our miles...and they don't have stools for our computers, and we only have our computers for a half this is probably going to be short.
Anyways, this week was pretty uneventful. We've started teaching the brother of our recent convert, Amber. I might have mentioned him last week. We got our new branch mission leader! So that made church a little more exciting than normal. We also started teaching the grandson of a couple in our ward; they themselves are just recently returning from inactivity but things are going great for them!
Hope you have a good week!
Love you all,
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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