Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June 27, 2011 Letter

Hello! This week has been exciting!
Well...I just got the news that I am getting transferred! I'm not going to lie, I was kind of praying that I would. Who knows where I'm going...I guess you'll have to wait until next week's email to find out! I'm assuming that we'll be able to email as part of our Tuesday mormon.orgtime again, but we won't know for sure until then. But I don't remember if I told you or not...but last transfer they did make a sisters' bike area.
Needless to say, I'm hoping that I DON'T get sent there.
President and I might have words if I do.
And I'll probably cry.
Anyways, I gave Sister Hammond your cell phone number. She's excited to meet up with you so I'm sure she'll be calling soon. I'm assuming we're going to stop by there later tonight so that I can say good-bye, so I'll make sure to let them know what's going on and to make sure they call you. :)
So, miracle of the week: we were teaching our 10 year old investigator, Sebastian and his aunt, Becky was kind of wandering in and out of the room, cooking dinner. She would make the occasional comment or two, trying to help Sebastian understand the order of the Plan of Salvation with us, which was kind of weird since she's not a member, haha! So, then after the lesson she walked in and kind of looked at us and said "So..."
And I thought, jokingly, "Hey, we should ask her 'So...when can you get baptized?'"
And then she said..."...Who do I need to talk to about getting baptized myself?"
WOAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! How many people ask that?
So we just kind of looked at her and said, "Well...that would be us!"
So we put her on date for baptism for July 16th. Before she was even an investigator.
It was even funnier because earlier that day at district meeting we passed our planners around and the Elders noticed that we didn't have anyone written down in our "Potential Investigators" and they were all shocked since we've had so many baptisms and so many solid investigators, one Elder asked us, "Sisters, how in the world do you find you're investigators!?"
And we both just shrugged and said "We don't!"
Which is true in that our investigators have all been referrals or found us themselves. And in that we don't do finding activities! But it's okay!
We also put our investigator Tad (brother of RC Amber) on date for baptism on July 9th. I should be able to come visit for his baptism, assuming that he invites me himself. =)
On Saturday we spent the better part of the day shoveling gravel for a single woman in our ward. I'm still pretty sore, but her backyard looks lovely now!
Now I'm running out of time, because I've been very distracted between the email and the list of people that I want to visit before tomorrow afternoon when we go down for transfers....so sorry this was so short. Sorry, Dad, for not responding to your email directly, but it sounds like everything is going good with work and with your band; keep up the good work!
Anyways, keep me updated on everything in your lives! I'll be getting your package tomorrow, but I did get all the postcards and your singing letter. I enjoyed it a lot, despite the apostate nature of the song ;)
Love you all! Talk to you next week, hopefully!
-Sister Heather Holdsworth

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