Monday, June 13, 2011

June 13 Letter

Sounds like you had lots of fun on the cruise! I can't wait to hear about it from Jon and Grandma, too! I got a postcard from Grandma....I don't know if you sent any others...?
If you're planning a cruise around Europe I definitely think summer of 2013 would be a good time for you to do that.............Not that I have any ulterior motives for suggesting that or anything...
Speaking of vacations...Bishop Hammond (bishop of our ward) and his family are heading down to Disneyland for July 5-7th...I told them how much we love Disneyland and they said they would love to meet up with you if at all possible! I don't remember you cell phone number or if you want me to give them the home phone if you want to try and work that out with them...? They're a lot of fun, and I thought you'd like to hear their report on how I've been doing, too.
The baptism last Saturday was amazing! We had a lot of the branch members come and support Dustin, which I think really surprised him since he'd met so few of them. Everyone's really excited to have him though, and I think he's going to do great! After his baptism, he bore his testimony, and the Spirt was SO strong! Everyone was really impressed, and everyone talking about it at church on Sunday said it was definitely the highlight of a really wonderful baptism.
Yesterday we had a lesson with Amber's brother, Tad. He's been attending church himself for about six months and is really excited to learn more. I think seeing his sister be baptized last week was a really great spring board for him. We're meeting with him again on Thursday! Woohoo!
The two young women who had been on date for the 18th are no longer getting baptized. That was pretty saddening this week, but it happens. The YW are going to keep reaching out to them, so hopefully the seeds are planted and will keep being nourished by the ward.
Yesterday, Sister Blackburn, a member of the branch and I did a musical number for the branch's sacrament meeting. Sister Blackburn sang "O My Father" to the tune of "Come Thou Fount." The member played the piano and I borrowed her flute. It went really well, and when we told Sister Davis about it when we got home she asked if we would do it for the ward (she's the organist and I guess the ward is really in need of some musical numbers!). So, we'll probably be doing that again! One of the girls from the branch is (or is auditioning to be?) a piano performance major at BYU and she really wants to play a piano/flute piece with me now that my "secret" is out, as everyone was saying afterwards (I didn't think I was that secretive about it, but I guess they disagree!), so it sounds like I'm getting some good practice in while I'm here!
Those are really the big updates I have...we're officially wihtout a branch mission leader, so we'll see how that goes I guess! Hopefully a new one gets called soon!
Hm...what am I learning? I guess I'm learning how to be patient with people that don't metacommunicate...and how to relate to people that aren't very self-aware....and how to deal with pet hair.
No one warned me about the pet hair. =P
I hope girls camp goes well!! I'm sure your lanturns will be a hit and that the pin trading will go well. Do you trade the pins with all the campers, or just the leaders and YCLs? Do you have to do something to get a pin or do you just trade for fun? Who are the YCLs this year; who from Chaffey are getting their camp names?
Also...I think you should get on facebook and remind Stephanie that while I'd love to write her back for her last letter to me...I need her new address!! haha! =)
Happy Father's Day to Dad! Sorry I don't get to call you for your day! haha
Love you! See you next week!
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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