Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9, 2011 Letter

Hi. I think I missed out on most of what you all were saying...I couldn't hear exactly what you were saying about the weather (but I didn't think that was too important...), couldn't really hear what Dad was saying about Jimmer or Cam Newton...and I missed most of the prayer...but oh well, at least you all could hear me fine. (This was from our Mother's Day conversation, we had the entire Tilton family over for dinner. I talked with Heather for a few minutes and then we tried the "speaker phone" feature. We heard her but I guess she didn't hear us much. It was so good to hear her voice, she really sounds happy. Our conversation ended with a family prayer, it was a great way to spend the evening on Mother's Day 2011)
During our phone conversation Heather mentioned that she would love more snail mail.... you can write, send cards etc to Sister Heather Holdsworth, Everett WA Mission, POB 13390, Mill Creek, WA 98082. If you want to send a package you send it to Everett WA Mission 16124 35th Ave SE, Mill Creek, WA 98082.
I hope girls camp goes well! Our two teenage investigators are planning on going to our ward's girls camp. (I'm not sue if it's before or after their baptism.) So...yay girls camp!
So things are going great! This past week we were able to put three investigators on date to be baptized! The two teenagers we've been teaching for the past few weeks will be baptized on June 18th (so relieved we got their mom's permission!!). The other girl we were teaching actually lives in Bellvue, but we put her on date for June 11th. Looks like the Seattle Mission is getting a *really* golden referral!
This past week we had sisters exchanges. Sister Townsend and I went up to the Everson area and spent most of the day in Peaceful Valley. Apparently it's the drug capital of Washington. I'd probably believe that statement.
We ended up just going around all day with the other two sisters. All four of us made for some...very interesting door approaches...It was an interesting day. We spent a lot of time doing service for a less active, cleaning up her yard. We smelled SO BAD after moving all of her rotting garbage. ( was all rotting and moldy because it'd been out in the rain for who knows how many years...) I don't know how someone collects that much...GARBAGE in their yard!
It REALLY made me appreciate all the pleasant weeding we've been doing so far in our own area.
Apparently, the last sister Sister Townsend trained, she trained in Everson. Let's just say, I'm very grateful I am getting trained in Arlington/Marysville!!
This past week we also started teaching a man from Taiwan. The Hawkins family in our ward speaks Mandarin; Bro. Hawkins usually comes to translate for us, and so far the two of them seem to have become really good friends already! He says he believes it, and he's been really eager to make more appointments with us, so we hope to committ him to a baptism date when we meet with him this week! How exciting!
As a side note...It looks like the last person that used this computer sneezed on the screen...Gross, right?
Anyways, tonight we're having an Inventational FHE with our YSA Branch, to encourage the members to bring their non-member or less-active friends. We're teaching the lesson. I'm really hoping it turns out well! Our branch mission leader and branch missionaries have been putting a lot of effort into making it a success!
So...yep. That's my life.
Have a good week! Love you!
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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