Monday, May 16, 2011

May 16, 2011 Letter

Hello! It sounds like you had a good week...we did too! Sister Townsend is gone now--she's boarded her plane by now--but she left with a bang!
On Saturday we were able to (FINALLY!!) meet with the non-member girlfriend of one of the priests in the ward. Apparently, she's been attending church with this priest's family for about a year, and she's decided she wants to be we're pretty much just teaching her the lessons as fast as possible! She's on date for June 4 (Sis. Townsend got one last baptismal invitation in, it was so sweet!). Super exciting! She's a really sweet girl, and I'm so glad we're finally able to teach her!
We also had one of our other investigators at church--the man from Taiwan. It was really cool to see Bro. Hawkins translating for him. He's progressing so well...He commits himself to everything for us! It's awesome! This past week we were teaching him about the Restoration, and we asked him if he believed it was possible for Joseph Smith to be a prophet, and he said that he just needed to read the Book of Mormon to find out if what we were teaching was true. Totally jumping ahead on us...and it was so great!!! It is such a miracle to have fuond him and to be teaching him.
The two YW we're teaching are doing well. They weren't able to come to church yesterday because their mom was getting surgery for something...but they're still going strong.
Sister Townsend forgot it even was her birthday, so the Davis' and my little surprise was an even bigger surprise for her! haha. We just got her a card and some M&Ms (her favorite candy). Later that evening we did service with a member she helped re-activate and then we stayed for dinner. She invited a few of her member-neighbors over for dinner as well (she lives on a "Celestial street" like ours) so that was fun.
We haven't received transfer calls yet, but we're all pretty sure I'll be staying here. We took Sister Townsend down to the mission home last night, and one of the sisters from the tri-ship down in that area came back up with me for today and tomorrow. Her name is Sister Beckstrand. We get along really well. We found out we have the same birthday, and our experiences with deciding to serve missions are pretty similar. I'd love to serve with her longer, but they only told her to pack for two days, so she'll probably be going back to that area. Perhaps in the future; she still has about 9 months left of her mission.
In other news...I'm really hungry for lunch. And I feel like I just had breakfast! hm. And one of the librarians here sounds exactly like Sister Davis. (As a further side note, Sister Davis herself says I do a wonderful job of cleaning up her kitchen...just saying. haha)
I really enjoy living with the Davis family, though. Last night we had to leave right after church to take Sis. Townsend to Mill Creek, and so when it came time that we got back to Arlington around 6:30pm I hadn't eaten since 8:30am, other than a granola bar (our blocks overlap...). I was STARVING and I thought I was just going to have cereal to eat...but the Davis' actually had some of their kids from the area over for dinner and they pulled out a place for us to join them before we were even half way in the door! They're so generous and I really appreciate everything they do for us. :)
Now that my last two paragraphs were about food...I guess that just means I'm out of stuff to say today haha. I hope you're all doing well. Keep me updated on everything you're doing! Love you all!
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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