Monday, April 11, 2011

First Letter from the "Mission Field"

Hello everyone! Life in Everett is going well!
Sorry I wasn't able to call from the airport. We were allowed to but we were running late to catch our flight 1) because the lines for check in were SUPER long that morning, and 2) we got a late start from the MTC because MY companion lost her wallet, so she didn't have money for her luggage. She refused to check her luggage for it, so instead we had to run around to every building we'd been in the day before looking for it. I felt bad for the security guard that we had to keep going back to get to unlock doors for us. We never found it, so she had to get a voucher from the travel office, which also took forever and a day, because no one knew how to do it (since, you know, they tell us to have cash for it...). I'd bet anything she found it in her luggage when she got to Anaheim.
My trainer's name is Sister Townsend. She is from Canada (I guess I have a thing for internationals) and this is her last transfer. We're serving over the Lakewood Ward and Amar YSA Branch in the Marysville/Arlington area. It's really pretty up's a weird mix of country/suburb...This past week we've gotten to eat fresh farm eggs from one of the members' chickens for breakfast. Delightful!
So far I've met a lot of people. Our ward seems really nice, and our branch is really proactive about missionary work. Right now, we have two investigators for our branch: Shelby and Sian. We just began teaching Shelby this past week, and she sounded really excited about everything we were teaching her. We committed them both to come to Church on Sunday, but they were both no-shows. Sian wasn't too much of a surprise (she's always interested when we can actually get in to see her, but she doesn't seem to keep appointments very well...) but I felt disappointed we didn't see Shelby. Her mom joined the Church in January...hopefully with just a little more time we'll get her there!
I'm really enjoying the work we're doing here .A lot of our time this past week was spent following up on potential investigators, tracting and street contacting, looking for investigators for the ward (and more promising investigators for the branch), and we have a lot of really good contacts to look forward to this week.
We found April, an inactive member, and her non-member husband and 9 year old son, while tracting. She sounded like she'd really been thinking about coming back to Church recently, so we have an appointment with her. We also have appointments with Mallarie, Lyn and Maureen. So here's to this week!
Yesterday at Church we had a really cool experience as well. One of the brothers in the ward came to us during sacrament meeting and said he had someone outside to talk to us. This 20-ish girl said she and her mom were new to the area and were looking for a Christian church to attend. Well...that's just perfect, right? We got their information and made an appointment to meet with them, but they called back later and said they only wanted to go to a church that worked with their Sunday work schedule. Our ward meets at 11, and they have work from 12-7 apparently. But it turns out they're not even in our area...but we got it figured out where they're supposed to be and what 9am ward they can meet with. So...hopefully that will work out for them and the Elders we handed them off too!
Another recently re-activated member, Ryan, was meeting with us yesterday, and he said he finally received his own confirmation that the Book of Mormon is true. He said he was so happy he "went outside, barefoot, and climbed a tree all the way to the top!" So...I guess that's a pretty good measure of happiness: foot-covering-status, and tree-climbing-heighth? Haha, he was really excited though, which was definitely a good thing! He's made a lot of progress, even in just the short time I've known him.
Tell Paul congrats! I'm sure Hilary isn't too far behind him ;)
I did get Jon's letter; I'll write him back later today...but I guess you haven't gotten my letter yet? I wrote you with the mailing address...but here it is again:
Sister Heather Holdsworth
POB 13390
Mill Creek, WA 98082
Anyways, I think that's about everything. I'm glad to hear everything is going well for all of you. I hope the Tiltons and Grandma are doing well, and that you enjoyed Dad's birthday celebration.
Talk to you later!
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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