Monday, April 25, 2011

April 25, 2011 Letter

Hello, everyone, and especially to Jon: happy birthday!
We've been busy here in Arlington. We've spent a lot of time going through our area book's list of potential investigtors--we have a backlog that goes all the way back to 2009! It's taking sooo much time to organize and travel to all these houses, but we figure we have to try all of them or else we'd feel guilty about throwing so many potential names out. We haven't had any luck so far, but we're only about half way through of one little sub-section of our area, even after working on it all week.
So much fun...
But! We have been blessed to be gettnig lots of potential investigators through other avenues! We had two of our investigators come to church on Sunday, and one brought her non-member sister, and another brought her non-member parents! We're so excited! We'd talked with the sister before, so we were pretty sure we'd be starting to teach her soon also, but it was good to see them both there. They are 12 and 15, and they already know a lot of the YW in the ward. They really said they enjoyed church yesterday, and the YW are really embracing them! It's been great to watch. The other girl is 7, she's turning 8 in may and really wants to get baptized, but so far we've only gotten verbal permissino to teach her. We're really hoping that her parents coming to church with her will give them the boost they need to allow us to baptize her when she turns 8 AND that they'll be interested in learning more as well!! This girl was introduced to the church through her grandmother, who joined the church a few months ago. It's been really good for her grandmother as well to watch how her own missionary efforts are paying off!
Then from our YSA branch we have a lot of people that have been bringing their friends to activities. A few have told us already that their friends are interested in meeting with us, and a few others sound like they will be asking/will be asked by their friends (as we lovingly encourage them, of course...) soon. We're keeping our fingers crossed there!
The weather has been pretty crazy here, too. On Saturday it was up to the 70s with clear blue skies...but then today it was back down to the 50s and rainy. It's nice when the sun is out. We were able to give some service to the members that we're living with on Saturday; we helped get their garden beds ready for planting.
On Wednesday we've organized a district service project at the senior center in our area. They called us earlier last week and asked if we could bring anyone to help weed, and then we were talking to one of the older members that lives at the center and she said they've already had several churches turn them down when they asked for service. She also said that quite a few of her neighbors don't think very highly of the Church and it's members, so she's really hopeful that our example will help them see that she's not crazy for being a member!
Sister Townsend is doing well. She's trying hard to stay focused and not worry about everything she needs to get ready for when she goes home. But we're looking forward to the treats that should be arriving soon! Thanks for sending those!
We haven't really had any funny or exciting incidents yet...though Sister Townsend keeps telling me about Paradise Valley or someplace that is apparently the meth capital of Washington. At the moment it's still a sister's area...and she's got some really good stories from there, so it sounds promising. Her best one involves the SWAT team.
What can I say, she's lived an exciting mission life!
As for the other sisters that mom asked about, I met most of them on the first day I was here, briefly...?
I'm excited to hear Dad has another gig. That should be fun playing for Relay for Life. Which band is playing?
Anyways...overall, things are going really well, I'd say.
Miss you all, and love you all!
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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