Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 29, 2011

Hello everyone! It has been wonderful receiving all of your letters during the week!
Grandma Marion: Thanks for all of your little notes telling me what everyone is up to. I hope the Tiltons did well at their games this past weekend. Did you enjoy World of Color last Wednesday? I hope so!
Jon Thanks for the letter I really enjoyed your questions; a letter for you will be in the mail soon. 9This keyboard is doing weird things:::some elder must have been messing with it!!! i was looking for the period button on that one, but ! works just fine imo
I heard the terrible news that Florida beat us. One of the elders in our district is from Florida, so he has been rubbing it in my face.
My companion is having issues with her keyboard too::: this is probably the last time we will use these!!! ....even if we weren't leaving before we get a chance to use them again...
Mom asked about what we do after church on Sundays...We go back to our classrooms for a bit and then we have a fireside.
I have met most of the elders that are going to Everett. They seem nice and friendly and they have really made an effort to get to know me; which I appreciate a lot.
Our roommates, serving their missions in Thailand, left this morning: it was sad to see them go. My companion and I miss them already. Now we are the ones that have to know what is going on for the new missionaries coming in tomorrow. Speaking of which...our district has been invited to help with the hosting (showing the new missionaries to their residence halls; etc.) tomorrow; which is exciting because English speaking missionaries usually don't get asked to do it since we're here for such a short time.
We received our travel plans earlier this week...we're leaving on Tuesday morning at 5am, and then our flight leaves at 8:30. I'm the lone sister with 11 elders, but like I said, I know most of them. I might be able to call home from the airport, but it'll depend on how much time I have. I'm sure you'll get some sort of notification that I've arrived safely.
Speaking of which, can you send me the phone number of the mission office in Everett? I'd like to have it on hand in case they forget about the twelve of us...
Anyways, sorry for such a short email. the keyboard really slowed me down a bit. My next email will be from Everett! Talk to you soon!

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