Monday, April 18, 2011

April 18, 2011 Letter

Hello everyone! I hope this email finds you well!
This week has been great! We've been really praying for member referrals, and we've been getting several each day! Most of them haven't been working out, but we were able to get four new investigators--three for our ward and one for our branch. What a blessing! I really enjoy teaching, though this week I've really started to see the holes in my MTC training...but oh well. I guess I can't hold it against my teachers; they did a good job with what they had, and I know a lot of their time was taken up with them trying to get us unified as a district.
Don't know how well that worked, but it's all on me now, either way.
Right now we're living with the Davis family. They were recently married (Bro. Davis' first wife passed away a few years ago, and Sis. Davis is divorced). All four of their daughters are grown, but I've met a few of them. They are really generous and concerned for us. They really make a huge effort to help us feel welcomed. Friday they had work off and so they cooked us breakfast with eggs, sausage, and hash browns--delicious!
I've never been one for breakfast...but I think it might become my favorite meal since it's the only one I get to cook! We have dinners with members, and so far we've only had one or two cancellations, so there's not much need for us to purchase dinner foods (so when we do get cancellations, no cooking usually happens...usually the Davis have leftovers they let us eat =) ). For lunch, we usually come home, but we're so hungry we just want to throw a sandwich together and eat as fast as possible!
General Conference was great. I think some of my favorite talks this conference were Elder Oaks, Elder Scott, and Elder Holland. I've also been able to watch a bit of the priesthood session (we are allowed to go on an hour a week) and I've really liked President Utchdorf's and President Monson's talks from that. During the priesthood session, the sisters watched the Young Women's Broadcast. I really enjoyed Sister Dibb's talk, and was really glad we got to see it. A lot of the sisters weren't thrilled though, since they just thought they weren't in young women's anymore, so "it didn't apply to them." What can you do, I guess?
The devotionals and firesides weren't that exciting, truthfully. They were good, but nothing all that special. Via Sekeheima (I probably completely spelled that wrong...the BYU football player from way back...?) spoke at the last fireside. He had a convert of his come with him, so it was cool to hear them tell the story together...but that's pretty much all it was...
Anyways...I'm looking forward to this upcoming week. Hopefully we'll be able to maintain the investigators we found last week, and be able to find even more.
I hope you're all doing well. I got Grandma's, and Kelly's letters this week, along with a letter from Allison (my roommate). I love hearing from you all! I'm not sure why you haven't gotten Jon's letter yet, but it's on it's way...? It sounds like Grandma is keeping busy with traveling, and that the Tiltons had a fun spring break! Allison is back from her study abroad in New Zealand, and it sounds like she's really loving teaching. I'm sure she's going to love getting back into it in the Fall!
Thanks for supporting me on my mission! It means a lot to me to know I can count on you to be praying for me and loving me from California!
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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