Monday, May 14, 2012

May 14, 2012

Yesterday was Mother's Day, so, we were able to enjoy a telephone conversation with our cute missionary!

Hi! Hasn't been very long since we've talked, so I don't know that I have much to report today....
Yesterday was a lot of work for me....woke up a couple of times during the night in a lot of pain, and still in a lot of pain this morning. Today's going to be another long day since we need to be out and about again to get groceries and such....we don't have any appointments after dinner though, so that's at least some time I can be resting...Hopefully the doctor will be willing to take some xrays tomorrow so we can figure out what's wrong (with my knee, at least).
I'm glad Jolie was able to come for a few days. I'm sure the 1000 cranes are beautiful! I hope you can get to be a Thursday's hero...that would be really fun.

I'm also glad that your treatments are almost over; I hope the doctors are right that you'll start feeling better soon. I'm sure the kids at Hermosa enjoyed seeing you some this past week. Glad the yearbook turned out well! =)
Hm..well...I don't really know what else to say since we talked yesterday. Loved hearing from all of you yesterday! Love you and miss you!
Sister Holdsworth

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