Monday, March 26, 2012

March 26, 2012

You shouldn't be that concerned about my's just the same normal thing that I've been dealing with since high school, it just got aggravated from all the walking we were doing up these steep hills, and was getting swollen. Didn't go to the doctor, since he was just going to tell me to keep it elevated, with heat, like I was already doing. It's back to it's normal pain levels now, and it's doing just fine.

We did get to go to the YW broadcast. It was really enjoyable; my favorite talk was Sister Dalton's, focusing on the temple.
I'm glad you were able to mostly enjoy your spring break; hope everything goes well with the new doctor. Good luck with work this coming week; I'm sure all your kids have missed you this week. asked what we had for dinner. It was fast Sunday for us, I guess it probably was for you too? Anyways...we had a really early dinner (lunch) of baked spaghetti; it was pretty good. Then we were tracting in a member's apartment complex around the time she got home from choir practice and she invited us in for some made-from-scratch hot chocolate for dinner. It was probably the best hot chocolate I've ever had....It was like drinking right out of Willy Wonka's river...
We had a really busy week this week. Lots of appointments with less active members, and a few with our investigators. It seems crazy that we're already going into week four of the transfer; it feels like I just got here! I love how busy we are though. I've probably said it every email so far but it's SO NICE to be doing more than just foundation work or clean up work again! It'd be even nicer if through all our contacting we've been doing we actually found some people that were interested in becoming investigators, but there here somewhere! =)
A lot of our time this week has been spent focusing on old referrals that were never able to be it's pretty much been like tracting from the knocking on doors where no one is home aspect, but I personally like it much better, because at least I know who to ask for that might be interested when some one answers the door.
I also had to go to leadership training this past week...not really exciting, since I was already frustrated enough with how the scheduling had gone with it......there was this lengthy debate between my district leader and the zone leaders on whether or not I was supposed to be going or not (since I'm guess I'm "technically" a trainer, but I was never actually called as a trainer by President, and was never actually trained to be a trainer and all sorts of other ridiculous nonesense revolving around the question of whether I'm "officially" a trainer or not.........a roll of the eyes would be approperiate here...) so we only found out the day before "for-sure" that I actually WAS supposed to go and so THEN, last minute, we had to disrupt the plans of the other two sisters that were going because Sister Chudleigh couldn't very well just hang out in Redmond by herself half the day.........
We're really excited for general conference coming up. We've been inviting a lot of people to it, and our theme for all our lessons this week is pretty much going to be following the prophet and encouaging everyone we meet with to watch it. Also this week we're having Interviews with President. Should be an exciting week!

Well...that's all I can think of in terms of updates from this week. Hope you're all having a great day! Love you!
-Sister Holdsworth

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