Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20, 2012

Glad to hear Jon is doing well with driving still.
The temple trip was pretty good. Some Elders we had to give a ride to made everything around our temple session frustrating, but what can you do. I got to see Sister Beckstrand and Sister Niu at Deseret book (they had just finished their session, and we'd gotten there early). Everson is doing so good! Chris and Joe have set their wedding date for July 21, so Chirs will be able to be baptized July 22! So excited for them!
I bought two CDs at Deseret book, the D&C/Church History DVD set and a new journal. Sister McAllister and I have quite enjoyed having new music, including the one you sent us. Thanks for taking care of my medication, too!
One of Sister McAllister's investigators in her last area was baptized on Valentines' Day, so we got to go to that. It was pretty great! Very grateful we didn't have to go tracting on Valentines Day evening!
Thursday we found out Bruce had to have a second series of root canals. He had all nine of his teeth pulled two weeks ago so that he could get dentures, but apparently the student surgeon he had do it broke his teeth, so parts of the roots were still in his gums! He's been in so much pain, the poor guy! So we weren't able to have a lesson with him this past week, needless to say. He hasn't been to church in two weeks either, because of this, but hopefully he's officially on the mend now...
Saturday we had our lesson with Tiem and Lin (the Vietnamese couple). They're doing great! Tiem has been reading the Book of Mormon, and he told us "It is marvelous!" He also told Sister McAllister and I that we have Christ in our countenances. Pretty cool compliment to come from one of your investigators!! Just need to find Tiem a new job so that he can come to church Sundays (his boss refuses to change his schedule).
We had two surprise part-member-families come to Church yesterday; that was pretty exciting! We'd been trying to find a good time to visit one of them, and the other we'd made plans to stop by later that night since we didn't know anything about them (other than that they weren't interested in 2010). It was great! We got an appointment with one of them to do service later today, and the other family seemed to feel comfortable enough that I think they'll come again next week. Good things are finally happening in Woodinville! Woohoo!

Say "HI!" back to Monique! It sounds like she enjoyed her mission!
Good luck to Mom on her talk next week. I hope it goes well. Sister McAllister and I have both been asked to speak next week on talks that were given in the world wide leadership training broadcast (Elder Ballard's discussion panel and President Utchdorf's talk). Everyone seems to assume the missionaries get to go to that; good thing it's on! Sister McAllister is going to speak on how we have "real growth" in the Church, and I'm speaking on why we want "real growth." Should be good; I'm excited to speak.

I did enjoy all the Valentines that I got from all the family. Sister McAllister and I have stashed the large M&M bags in the middle console of our car and we "get" to munch on them as our reward for tracting as much as we have to. Thankfully we should have less time to spend doing that, since we've got lots of appointments this week for service. Lots of them with less-active members too; should be fun!
Well, that's about all the excitement from Woodinville. Not much going on, but the work is starting to pick up at least.
Love you!!
Sister Holdsworth

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