Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 15

HI, writing on Wednesday this week because we will be attending the Seattle Temple later today so P-day was not on Monday.
Congrautlations to Jon on getting his Duty to God! Hopefully everything went well on the CAHSEE. I'm sure it did! Keep up the good work driving, too. Hopefully this week you have better weather to practice more.
Mom's lesson from Relief Society sounds great! I'm glad you got good feedback on it. I think I would enjoy a lesson set up like that.
A few weeks ago we were finally able to get a member that can speak Vietnamese to come translate for the Vietnamese couple we're teaching. We found out that the couple acually has been reading the Book of Mormon, and the husband, at least, feels like it is the Word of God. The member that was with us speaks only conversational Vietnamese, and so she thought she was going to have a hard time with the religious language but the Spirit definitley helped her be able to help us answer their questions in a way they could understand. Our investigators were really able to feel the Spirit strongly, too, and they told us they could tell we were messengers from God. That was a pretty spiritiual experience we had in the past few weeks.
Things are great with Sister McAllister. We get along really well. We have been ejoying all the treats in te Valentines Day package; thank you for sending that. No snow this week; though I guess they're expecting another dump sometime later in the season? I hope not!
We didn't get to go to the worldwide training, but I watched a few clips from it on time yesterday, and they discussed it in ward council. It sounds like it was really encouraging. I liked the clips about reactivation I was able to find.
We've got a lot of appointments (by a lot I mean more than usual) for the coming week that I'm pretty excited about. We just really need our members to rally around missionary work and to trust us with their friends.........we're working on it, though. We aren't giving up. Just a lot of fruitless tracting, it seems like. They'll get it eventually.

I'm definitely looking forward to going to the temple later today; it seems like it's been forever since I've been able to go.

Well, we need to go get lunch and then head out for the temple.
I Love you and I miss you!
Sister Holdsworth

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