Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Hello; thank you for all of the birthday wishes. I got Mom and Grandma's packages; I enjoyed them this morning, thank you. I also got the cards from the Tiltons; thank you very much for thinking of me on my birthday! I'm sure Annette's package is on it's way too; I really appreciated her letter.
I'm glad the Rose Parade was fun and that you were able to enjoy some good weather for it. Glad to hear Oregon won. I heard from our checker at the grocery store this morning that Alabama and LSU are playing in the championship tonight. That should be a good game.

Yes. Sister Bennett came up to us at Church on Sunday. It was kind of weird. But she gave both Sister Alberts and I hugs from you.
You did mention that Eddie's son was in Woodinville (or now taht I think about it maybe Grandma did in one of her cards...). There are three wards in the city of Woodinville. Maybe Eddie's kids are in our ward; who knows!? Maybe we'll meet them.
Your lesson sounds like it was good. I hope you're enjoying teaching Relief Society. We didn't go to our Relief Society (Sister Albert's has been really sick all week, so we left church early) so I don't know what our lesson was on.
This week was mostly spent inside. We did get a few lessons in at the start of the week, but for the past few days we've been inside trying to get Sister Alberts healthy again. I did a lot of reading from past issues of the a lot about the Law of Moses in the Old Testament...colored a few pictures from the Friend...caught up on a lot of letters I needed to write...caught up in my journaling a little bit...One of our investigators dropped.
Nothing all that fun planned for today. We'll probably meet for chair soccer like always since Sister Alberts is really going crazy being stuck in the apartment. We're only allowed to meet up with our district on p-days; Sister Beckstrand (she shares Heather's birthday) is on the exact opposite end of the mission. Unless one or both of us get transferred this transfer somewhere closer to each other we probably won't see each other until after my mission (she goes home in March). President Wilson did text me "happy birthday" this morning, so that was nice.
Congratulations to Jon on getting his drivers' permit. Hope everything goes well with driver's ed!!

Didn't read much from the Conference issue. There was a really good article on faith, hope and charity from one of the seventy that I enjoyed in one of the Ensigns I read; it was about how hope has a more important role than we give it credit for. He said that hope is an essential aspect of faith, and that without hope we wouldn't be able to even develop or comprehend faith.
I love you, thanks again for all the birthday wishes,
Sister Holdsworth

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