Monday, December 26, 2011

December 26, 2011

Hello! It was good to hear all the family yesterday. I'm glad you're all doing well; sounds like you had a fun Christmas. I hope Grandma enjoyed Church with you all yesterday.

Mission Christmas was kind of hectic. I heard from Sister Wilson around 10pm the night before that our district leader was supposed to have gotten me the music for a Silent Night piano-organ-flute we had a slightly frantic time trying to find a flute last minute. I only got to practice for about 15 minutes (by myself without any of the accompaniments!) before the program started, but it all worked out. Half the congregation couldn't hear me competing with the organ worked out pretty well, all things considered. Several missionaries sang and read the birth of Christ story from the Bible...President and Sister Wilson talked a little bit. One of the wards in Bothell spent their ward Christmas party stuffing stockings for all the missionaries in the mission, so we also got those. It was really kind and thoughtful of them. Then we went to the mission office to pick up all our Christmas packages.
I like the snowmen sheets; they're quite cute.
Sister Alberts and I are starting to feel the pain of having two and a half days "off" from missionary work though. We've pretty much been doing nothing since 6pm Christmas Eve......No proselyting on Christmas Eve or Christmas up here. No one in Washington wants their Christmas celebrations interrupted to hear a message about Christ. One more p-day to go through.........All the missionaries we've talked to have just talked Christmas up like it's the most fabulous thing ever on your mission..............We just were bums the past two feels SOOOOOOOOO blah..............I'm really REALLY grateful I only have to have one Christmas on my mission.
Christmas dinner was ham.
I have been really blessed to have a really good string of good companions. I love being with Sister Alberts. She and I spent the bulk of our bum-time the past two days talking. It's been really great to get to know her better, especially since we suspect we'll only be companions this transfer (she's been here in Woodinville almost six months, as long as I was in Everson).
Well.......I think that's about it from me .........I'll look forward to hearing from you next week!
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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