Monday, December 12, 2011

December 12, 2011

Hello, glad to hear from you all!

Well...transfer calls took forever this morning...don't know why, but we finally got the official word that I'm leaving Everson! =D Sister Beckstrand and Sister Niu will both be staying. We thought for sure that the number of sisters would be evening out, but one extra sister is actually going home early because she's sick....that means four are coming in, and two are leaving, so we'll be at 21 there will still be a triship somewhere! There will be one more sisters' area opening, most likely in the Mt. Vernon stake, we suspect. I kind of want to open a new least, I think I'd prefer to stay in the north end of the mission.

Other than that, we don't know anything. We'll find out tomorrow at transfers, same as usual.

I'm also glad to hear that the Living Nativity was a hit. The Arlington stake decided to do a nativity festival this year, and we got to see it when I was down there with Sister Beckstrand last Friday. It was really well done (there was this one, really cute snowman nativity that made me think of you! Unfortunately, none of the nativities were up for sale, otherwise I totally would have gotten it!). In the Relief Society room, they had it set up all with pictures from Christ's life from His birth to His resurrection that was INCREDIBLE!

So, probably the most exciting part of exchanges last Friday was going to the living nativity and being able to see Amber (she was baptized in June while I was there)!! She was volunteering at in the kid's "dress up" room. That was really nice to be able to catch up with her. =)

Sister Beckstrand and I were in Arlington with Sister Anderson. She joined the church 2 years ago (she's 21), and she is from Sandy, UT. We mostly spent the day inviting people to the nativity festival they're having. We got to have dinner with Bishop Vaughan (he the branch president while I was there) and his family; that was really nice to catch up with them as well.

Well....I actually think that might be everything for now. Talk to you later! I'm looking forward to calling you on Christmas!! =)

Sister Heather Holdsworth

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