Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October 3, 2011

Hello everyone!

Well, today has been a busy p-day. We ended up going to four different grocery stores over four hours....we spent SOOOO many miles today going into Bellingham...

Anyways....Conference was great! My favorite talk was Elder Anderson's talk on motherhood and eternal families. I also really enjoyed President Utchdorf's, Elder Packer's, Sister Dalton's and Elder Arden's (I think that was his name...the Seventy that talked about the Bible and the Book of Mormon working together...?). Did you notice how Elder Perry mentioned about the mormon.org campaign? That was pretty exciting for us...hoping our members will pick up on it and get more excited for it. It kicked off today...hopefully a lot of good will start happening!

Conference was really the highlight of our week. We spent the entire week leading up to it telling people about it and teaching about prophets...Pretty exciting stuff. The night before we were talking with our district leader and we were telling him how it felt like it was Christmas Eve and we were waking up for Christmas the next morning!

Sister Beckstrand and I are SOOOO excited that the tabernacle will be rebuilt as a temple! We couldn't believe it! That's so amazing! We're even MORE excited because we'll both be home by then, so we'll be able to volunteer for the open house and attend the dedication!! It'll be so nice to have another temple so close by...the Provo temple IS really over-capacity. I've waited upwards of three hours to do baptisms before....between the Tabernacle temple and the Payson temple, it should get much more efficient (and the Provo temple probably IS the most efficient temple I've been too....so that's saying something) =)

What we're wondering is: what are they going to call it?? The Provo temple is the Provo temple..."the South Provo Temple"? We were discussing this yesterday...We completely ruled out "the Utah Lake Temple" because we decided Utah Lake is the exact OPPOSITE of the temple, haha, but we couldn't decided on what would be the best name..."Y Mountain Temple" perhaps? haha

And isn't that 5 or 6 temples in Africa now? So exciting!

Another shocker: they released President Samuelson! Who is the new BYU president?! I was really surprised at a lot of the Seventies that they released...I mean, obviously they were supposed to be released...But Elder Costa? Elder Hinckley? And Cecil?!

It's good to hear that BYU won! I thought Riley graduated...guess I'm glad I was wrong!

We did quite enjoy your last package. The packaging was a little much...it made me crave Anthony's.... Loved seeing the pictures from Hilary's wedding! She looked gorgeous!! Loved her dress! =) We moved some stuff around so we could hang the decoration up in our study/kitchen area. Sister Beckstrand appreciated the YW values bookmark. =) Looking forward to the next package! Thank you so much!

Let's see...oh, other exciting news from this week...we no longer have to report on our new contacts of the week! Which is good....the week before last we had 6 and last week we had 2. haha. Now we can focus on Recent Convert/Less Active work...which is what we NEED to focus on in this area. So glad!

Coming up this next week we're going to have interviews with President Wilson. I'm interested to hear his reaction about the tabernacle temple (they're from Orem, if you didn't remember).

Anyways...I think that's all for now...We'll see you later!

Love you!
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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