Monday, October 17, 2011

October 17, 2011

Hello! Sounds like you had a good week.

I got a letter from Jolie this past week; enjoyed hearing from her. =) Today is district p-day (we're going to go out to lunch and then to peace arch park up in Blaine) so I probably won't have time to write too many letters today, but I'll try to get one in the mail soon. My companions all say that I respond to letters faster than most that must be a good thing right?

This past week was exciting, last p-day we went on an epic adventure looking for new windshield wiper blades...we finally found some, after several stops and many miles spent...Apparently we have some very unique wiper blades.....?

Then we had a joint lesson with Katie and the Elders over the YSA ward up here (our zone leaders). She's been thinking she might want to check it out before moving to Utah to get used to what she might expect when she gets to Provo....but she wanted to go to our ward to listen to Sister Packard and myself speak (yes...again! this time my talk was on charity. Sister Beckstrand will be speaking next week on honesty.)....but then she was sick so she didn't go to EITHER've decided to just put where she gets baptized in the bishops' hands. They can have a duel over who gets the number, so to speak. haha.

It'll all work out, that's all Sister Beckstrand and I know!

We had an amazing lesson with Chris on Wednesday. We read The Family: A Proclamation to the World with her paragraph by paragraph. We talked a lot about temple sealings, and she's really excited to learn more and prepare for the temple after she is baptized. We talked to her about how she and Joe will need to be married before she can be baptized (Joe has been on a hunting trip with his brother and nephews this week)...........we asked her if November 12th would be a good day to plan for her baptism! She freaked out at first that that wouldn't be enough time to get married, too (!) but then we talked about how she and Joe could marry privately first, she could be baptized, and then they could have a bigger, vow renewal/celebration/etc. later in the spring when they had originally planned....and she really liked that idea!!!! She said they would talk when Joe gets back (so we've been praying, literally! that they get a deer sooner rather than later so that Joe can get home sooner....hahaha!!).

Then, yesterday at church, she said she'd told Joe about our lesson and he said "Sounds great, we'll talk when I get home." She was expecting a "WOOOOOAH!!!" haha! So great! We've been fasting for them and that the Spirit will help them in their decision process for the past two fast Sundays....It's such a blessing to see our prayers being answered!

Gospel principles yesterday was on eternal marriage (talk about perfect, right?), and then between GP and Relief Society Chris and I were talking about temples more, and I mentioned temple work for the dead, and how we'd talk with her more about that later (as the lesson was starting...)...and what do you know...the Relief Society lesson was all about temple work and genealogy. Isn't Heavenly Father just perfect?? haha Chris loved it. We loved it. Church was just fantastic yesterday!! backup to Wednesday again....Sister Beckstrand got to do the best. mission. service. EVER!! Joe found two litters of abandoned kittens over the past week (9 kittens total....all about 2 weeks old) and so we got to help Chris bottle feed them all before our lesson. It was the most adorable thing EVER! Sister Beckstrand and I both wanted to keep one...but alas, the missionary handbook................haha, we're hoping we get to feed them again next Wednesday. We're also looking forward to bragging about our Best Service Ever at the sisters' luncheon next Monday with all the sister missionaries at the mission home. Should be fun. =)

(We're getting two more sisters next transfer, November 1st! That'll make us 19 in the mission, since one of the sisters is going home then, too.)

Anyways....I think that's all the updates from me. Thank you for telling me the scores for the San Jose St. game and the Oregon St. game. Glad that they seem to be doing better with Riley at the helm. Hope the Idaho St. game goes well this Saturday!!!!!

Love you all,
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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