Thursday, October 27, 2011

October 26, 2011

hello....sorry it's taken so long to write. You were right: we weren't able to email on Monday because of the luncheon (or "Sisters Training" as President decided to rename it...I guess the Elders are getting too jealous ;) ) It takes two hours to drive down to Mill Creek, so we had to leave at 9am...and then we didn't leave until 4pm...p-day is only from 10am until 6pm, time to e-mail. Then, yesterday morning (around 3am) Sister Beckstrand woke up with the flu, so that meant time didn't happen (She's feeling much better...we went to the doctor's for my excema break out (he knew exactly what to give me! It's already clearing up! Dermatologists are quacks...Dr. Moore knows what's going on!!) and so he gave her some medicine also, and then the Elders came to give her a blessing last night...)

So....anyways...that's probably all really jumbled...but yes...sorry it's taken so long!

But speaking of profile is finally up! woo! so exciting...A few of the Elders in our district have been having some success through the media campaign. We've had one less active family ask us about it, but other than that, no bites in Everson yet...

So...yes...I can't take too much time...but I did want to say good job with your missionary experience two weeks ago! I forgot to mention that in my last email until I hit "send" and was kicked off the computer...

Also, thanks for all the updates about football and the band. It sounds like Mr. A is getting things together more. That's good.

Anyways...I love you!! Sorry this email is so sparse :( I guess that's just what happens sometimes when you're up North in the boonies like we are...

Love you,
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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