Monday, August 8, 2011

August 8, 2011

Hello everyone!

Well...the results are in...and...Sister Taua and I are both staying in Everson!! Woohoo! We're both quite relieved that we don't have to worry about getting transferred, our investigators are relieved, the ward is relieved...Everybody's happy we're staying. Actually, our whole district survived transfers in-tact...which is awesome! Unfortunately, the same can be said of our current zone leaders...which means we'll probably have to do another "blitz" this transfer.


Anyways...transfer number six month mark is coming up this next transfer, does it feel like I've been gone that long?

My shoes are holding up fine. They're still comfortable; and the rain boots are effective at being rain boots...

Sounds like you had a fun time in Utah. It turns out Sister Taua's parents were ALSO in Utah this past week for the wedding of one of her cousins...too bad we didn't discuss that before our emails last week; maybe you could have met up somewhere. But I'm sure you enjoyed yourself all the same. I'm glad to hear the bridal shower went well. How is Annette feeling, getting ready for two weddings? Make sure to send me pictures!

So far, I've gotten an Easter card from Sister Valinotti. No mail from anyone else in the ward (unless you want to count Alison). Grandma and Kelly have sent me letters though; Allison, Steph and Julia have been pretty good at writing me regularly, and I've gotten letters from a few other friends. I appreciate every letter I get! =)

This past week was actually a little bit frustrating--our investigators kept standing us up! Eric is still progressing though; he came to sacrament meeting! That's TWICE we got an investigator to sacrament meeting! haha We're SO glad that we're staying (and that Elders aren't coming in...) so that we can keep teaching him. He's learning a lot really fast; he'll be baptized soon, we're sure =)

Let's see...other news...I don't know...We got an unexpected new investigator last week. Heather (Eric's member girlfriend that introduced us) invited a friend of hers, Kim, to one of our lessons with Eric last week. She's really awesome! She's in the process of moving to Bellingham, but before we even got a chance to invite her to meet with us and learn more she just asked, "Can we do this again!?" So, she's really promising. Don't know why she didn't come to church on Sunday, but I guess I've gotten used to it...?

We also spent some time doing some land clearing for a member in our ward. It was very enjoyable. Mostly because I'm getting sick of all the trees and green...and more trees...and more green...(well, I guess up here we also have the occasional cow pasture...) The green is pretty...but it's also getting a little boring. Guess I'm just meant to live in the desert!

We've been spending a lot of time doing service for an older lady in our ward that has lung cancer. She's packing up her house trying to sell it so that her kids don't have to worry about it. She's a really sweet lady; we haven't called her yet but I know she'll be very happy we're staying also.

Well...I think that's everything! I hope you have fun going back to school!

Love you,
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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