Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15, 2011

Hello everyone! figures you'd ask what we had for dinner last night...usually our members are really good at feeding us but last night the sister that had signed up forgot about it and made other we ended up eating leftover pigs in a blanket from lunch and leftover pancakes from breakfast...not the most healthy meal we've had. The night before we had roast pork, mixed vegetables, french bread and a barley casserole with homemade pineapple cheesecake for dessert. That's quite a bit more typical. I'm sure Elder Miller enjoyed his last meal with the Holdsworths. I'm sure you will all miss him.

This week was great. We had not one...not two...but THREE INVESTIGATORS at CHURCH!!! They weren't even investigators we were expecting would really come! One we hadn't seen in weeks, one was of our eternal-investigators that always says he'll come but never does, and the third was an investigator that has been saying she'll come for weeks...and she even had to cancel our appointment with her last week...but then she came! woohoo!!! We think this HAS to be a record of some kind for this area. Investigators to church THREE WEEKS IN A ROW. and THREE ALL IN ONE DAY! Miracles!!!!!!

(And Eric would have been there but his twin sister was getting married in Olympia. That's a pretty solid excuse. He'll be there next week.)

We also had another surprise yesterday: we visited one inactive single-mom last week and she said she had really been thinking about trying to get involved in the social activities of the ward again. Pretty convenient: we're having a ward BBQ this weekend! She seemed pretty sure she wouldn't come to church just yet though...but then Saturday night she texted us and asked us what time church started...and then she ACTUALLY CAME! With her two daughters and her niece! The ward members really embraced her and welcomed her. We could definitely tell that she appreciated it and she seemed really happy to be there. =)

Anyways, this week is going to be pretty exciting too...Today we're spending district p-day at the fair in Lynden. Sister Taua has never been to a fair. We're going to be matching in these lovely blue shirts someone sent to us...We were very excited to receive them!! We'll be sure to take lots of pictures =)

This week also marks Sister Taua's one-year mark on the 18th...and we're going to be celebrating that day in Everett by listening to Elder L. Tom Perry!! He's doing a tour through the pacific northwest missions, so we're having a full-mission conference this week! It's very exciting. I'm sure I'll have lots to tell you about that next week!

Well, that's about all the news I have for you.

Have a wonderful week! Love you,
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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