Monday, August 1, 2011

August 1, 2011

Hello everyone!

It sounds like you're spending a lot of time with the youth; that sounds like fun.

This past week has been kind of dull: mostly just lots of tracting to try and get our 15/day. We had interviews with President Wilson on Friday; it's always fun to see President and Sister Wilson. Sister Taua and I both talked to him about how hard it is in our area, and he said that 15 was just a standard/average suggestion and that he completely expected us to adapt it for our area. Hm. Would have been nice for the Zone Leaders to tell us that. But they've made it very obvious they neither know nor care how different a rural area is from the sub-urban/community-college town they're in..............ANYWAYS!

So what else is new...oh, the rumor mill has started spewing out that President is thinking about closing our area to Sisters and putting Elders back in (Everson has only had sisters for about a year). President was especially impressed with the work we've been doing here a "I don't want to move you"-esque manner. Eh. There's no trusting the transfer rumor mill anywhere. No one warned me about how much gossip goes around missionaries. I'm assuming it's not just our mission, but it's more than a little ridiculous.

Well, I don't remember if I mentioned it last week or not, but Eric (was on date for Aug.6) is no longer on date. He wasn't coming to church, and he kind of seemed to be avoiding us...when we FINALLY did get to meet with him this past week he told us it was because he felt really pressured (by the elders that had been with Sis. Taua on our ridiculous split/blitz night...) by being asked to commit to a date. But we explained to him why they felt the need to pressure him and that we didn't want to do that and that it was perfectly okay if he wasn't comfortable committing to a date and yadda yadda And now he's completely 100% on-track again and TOTALLY excited to be meeting with us regularly again. Tonight we're teaching him the Plan of Salvation, which he's really excited for, too...he even came to CHURCH on Sunday! This is our first investigator to church in this ward in THREE TRANSFERS!


Plus, the sacrament meeting talks and gospel principles class were PERFECT for Eric.


Needless to say...we're more than a bit worried for Eric if we DO get replaced by Elders, now that he's got this association of Elders:bad Sisters:good going on...not sure what we're supposed to do about that...

Anyways, it's funny you asked about funny stories. I actually have one that happened just this morning! And I shall tell it to in what is the the only way I've learned you can tell funny stories...with diagrams!

So today was the first Monday of the month, which means every missionary in our stake gets a $20 gift certificate to a grocery store owned by a member in Bellingham. Yay generous members! So, the zone leaders, another pair of elders and us were sitting in our cars waiting for more people to get there.

x (zone leaders)
= (empty parking space)
x (elders)
= (empty parking space)
x (sisters)

(We're all facing away from the store, towards the street, >> that direction.)

Then this homeless lady comes wandering through the parking lot, and as she's walking toward the street; she's looking at each of us....and looking at us....and looking at us...craning her neck so bad she's practically walking backwards...

= ------- (pathway of homeless lady as she's looking back at us) ----> (street)

She gets to the street and stops, staring at the cars going by....And then all of the sudden, she bends down, grabs this wine bottle (or something) and throws it towards the zone leader's car yelling, "Go eat your car!"

x <---(the bottle only made it about this far)---(homeless lady) (street)

Then she wandered off down the street like nothing had happened.

Meanwhile, we were all cracking up.

Anyways...I hope my beautiful diagrams don't get messed up during the sending process...

Yes, I've been getting getting Grandma's and Kelly's letters; and I also got a packet from Mary of the recent Holdsworth blog entries.

Hope you have fun at Dad's high school reunion and at Hilary's bridal shower! Did they plan that around your visit? That was nice of them if they did; and very convenient if they didn't!

Anyways, I think that's all the big news I have. Next week we'll know whether I'm staying or going or what's going on! Talk to you then, and have a great week!

Love you,
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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