Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21, 2011

Hello everyone! It has been snowing (just a few inches still on the ground in the mountains) a bit this past week. We are being careful...with all the stories from the missionaries in Texas and the sisters in New York. Both my companions are from Utah, and they say that they're impressed with how well I drive when it's snowing (for as much as I complain about the snow being unnecessary, being from California, etc.) I guess that's good?

Glad to hear Michelle is doing well! I'm assuming Adam is the boy she's been dating?????

This past week we celebrated my 8 month mark by having another great lesson with Chris about scripture study and prayer. She's having her knee surgery on Friday, so we talked with her about getting a blessing from Joe's (her boyfriend) home teachers. Hopefully all will go well! =)

Yesterday at Church was the primary program. It was wonderful, as always. Chris loved it, and we had a lot of less active members come as well. It was really great to see. Erik (former investigator) even came to support Heather's son, Jaden, in the program. We're going over to Heather's for dinner tonight, so maybe he'll be there and we can begin teaching him again.

Right now our ward mission leader is out of town. The first counselor in our bishopric runs his own non-profit that builds orphanages in he, and Brother and Sister Packard left for a trip to Africa on Tuesday. They should be back in about two weeks. (It was pretty interesting too, because at our stake conference, Elder Clayton was using an analogy about the way one of the African tribes protects their flocks, and they're actually going to be spending a few days WITH that same tribe...they're even more excited now!) For now, our assistant ward mission leader, Brother Jensen is running the show. We had to wash our car for zone conference last Friday, and so he let us borrow his hose and such. We got first place between our zone and one other that was there!! We got 50 extra miles for the month! Which is much needed, since we have an investigator all the way out in the boonies of our out-in-the-boonies-already area! Woohoo!

...oh, the highlights of being a missionary....

We also had a memorial for one of the members of our ward on Saturday. Sister Bennett--I may have mentioned her....she was the lady with lung cancer that we were helping get ready to move to California....? Anyways, she passed away a few weeks ago. A lot of non-members came to her one was interested in learning more about the Church, but a lot of people expressed how grateful they were that the Church helped her so much. So, that was really good.

This week p-day is moved to Thursday for Thanksgiving (we get to email still today, though, since the library will be closed). We'll be having dinner with the Brainards. Sister Brainard is possibly one of my Most Favorite People Ever. She wanted to have us over for her birthday last Wednesday, but the primary program practice interfered (she has three kids....I think her oldest is 6?? can't remember at the moment.) So, she was very glad to hear we hadn't had anyone for Thanksgiving yet. We've gotten a lot of offers since she signed up, though, so don't fret: we'll be MORE than well fed and loved on Thanksgiving. =) She says Brother Brainard will be doing the cooking (Sister Brainard is a great cook, but she says her husband is even better, so we're quite excited...he's also the second counselor in our bishopric...I guess that might be pertinent?? haha I don't know)...I'm sure his stuffing won't measure up to Grandma's though!!

Anyways...I've got a few minutes left....we'll see how fast I can be grateful....

I'm grateful for the chance to serve a mission for the Lord.
I'm grateful for the investigators, less active members, active members, and companions I've been blessed to know, love and teach.
I'm grateful for everything all of those people have taught me.
I'm grateful for my current companions,
I'm grateful parents that support me in everything I do; for encouraging me; for teaching me to appreciate the Gospel, education and service towards others.
I'm especially grateful that my parents raised me in the suburbs.
I'm grateful for the Atonement.
I'm grateful for all the blessings the Lord has promised me if I endure to the end in obedience to His will.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!! Love you all!
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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