Monday, September 19, 2011

September 19, 2011

Hello! Sounds like you've had a fun week. Glad to hear at least one of the teams we cheer for is winning this season....

I did get the invitation to Hilary and Austin's wedding. Sister Taua and I were going to ask for permission to go....but we figured that the drive probably wouldn't work into our 1000 mile/month limit on our we didn't ask. ;) I thought it was a beautiful announcement though! I liked the cream and purple they picked out. Can't wait to get the pictures! Looking forward to another package! =)

Well...drum roll....I'm staying in Everson....but Sister Taua is leaving!!! =( We're both pretty bummed. We've really enjoyed working together--in a lot of ways she's the only thing keeping me sane in such a rural area! We've gotten along so well, we're both really hoping for the best for our next companions. But, transfers happen, I guess. Last transfer, our whole district stayed together. Two of the four elders are leaving, including our district leader. Now I have to worry: is the new district leader going to keep having our backs when it comes to our ridiculous zone leaders and their ridiculous desires for a "blitz" (coughsplitcough)!?!?! What will we do if we don't get a caring district leader!?

It's very troubling.

But it

I think in my last email I mentioned that Elder Edwards of the Seventy visited...But then after I clicked "send" I realized that it was that same week that he I didn't talk about much other than it happened! haha. Well...yes: two weeks ago Elder Edwards and his wife came to tour our mission. The conference we held with them mostly centered around recognizing and following the Spirit. The week before, we were given three topics (don't remember them now) to study in preparation for the tour and then three missionaries would be asked to speak on one of the three. I wasn't asked to speak on the topics, but Elder Edwards did request me to be one of three missionaries to bear their testimonies at the end of the conference. That was very enjoyable.

And, luckily I took some pretty good notes at the conference, because this past week we were having dinner at the Brainard's. Brother Brainard is the first counselor in the bishopric, and this is his month to ask people to speak in sacrament meeting. He was working late, so we were just enjoying dinner with his wife and kids. He called when he was on his way home, and then called back about three minutes later and asked Sister Brainard to ask us to speak this Sunday---I guess everyone had been turning him down, poor guy! So I spoke on, what else? Following the promptings of the Spirit. Sister Taua didn't want to speak, so we cut a deal with his wife that if she sang a musical number (she has a beautiful voice!) and I talked for the rest of the time we'd call it good.

I got a lot of compliments on my talk. It was pretty good. It was really frustrating preparing a talk and not having a computer, though! I wasted so much paper with all my drafts, but it worked out okay!

And it's a good thing Sister Taua got to sing on her last Sunday in the ward. She's been here a full six months. It's going to be pretty hard for her to leave.

So...what else has happened this week...not much else. Every lesson we have with Erik (apparently I've been spelling it wrong...oops), baptism comes up...he knows it's the next step, and he knows he's going to be baptized, but he just keep on telling himself he's "not ready yet." He'll get there though!

Yesterday we also had the training for the ward. A few people are being negative about it, but for the most part a lot of people seem to be on-board. Should be really exciting!

I haven't finished my own profile yet. We only get an hour (at most...the library here is weird, so sometimes we don't get all the time we're supposed's a weird system I don't really get...anyways...) to work on it a takes a long time to decide what you're going to say...and then by the time you come back the next week you decide you want to change everything you already HAVE's just a problem.

What can I say, I live a hard life. blah. That's the big news: I'm getting a new companion. Pray that we'll have as much unity as Sister Taua and I did! Everson is hard enough as it is; it needs united missionaries!

Hope you enjoy your week! Happy birthday to Kelly, hope dinner yesterday was enjoyable. Is the family still playing Five Crowns or Ticket to Ride or have you found something new??

Keep me posted on everything! Love you all!
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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