Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 12, 2011 sounds like you had an exciting week! I'm sorry your shoe broke on your trip to Catalina, but I'm glad it didn't stop you from having fun.

Sounds like Jon did a really great job on his talk! Good for him! I'm glad he was able to go on the two week mission; I'm glad he's looking forward to serving a full time mission in a few years.

Congratulations on finishing your personal progress! One of our Elders' recent converts is working on hers; she's doing really great. It really is an inspired program. We don't have a very big young women's--just three girls--and the girls' attitude definitely matters when it comes to their personal success in the program. We have two really amazing leaders, and the girls pick up on their attitudes towards the program as well. I'm sure that there's at least some of the girls that look to your example and want to learn all they can when it's their proper time to learn it. That's very frustrating about the YW not coming to your activity. But you are right: we get who we get, even in the Church. It's too bad that some of the girls don't seem to understand the purpose of Young Women's better, but I'm sure that those that did come appreciated your help with their personal progress.

We had a pretty good week. Chris told us she's been thinking about baptism and that she's decided she wants to be baptized and confirmed a member of the Church! It's so great to have an investigator commit THEMSELVES to be baptized; it shows that they've done all their work and studying the gospel, and that they really understand it for themselves. We need to still nail down a date for her to work towards (she and her member boyfriend she's living with need to get married...) but she's sure she wants it. She knows it's true! =) Hoorah!

Eric is doing really well also. We met with his girlfriend's parents yesterday (also members) and as we were talking about how baptism is his next step her dad said " know, winter's coming on, and they do all their baptisms in the river, so you really should be making a decision soon....It'll be pretty cold" haha, Eric knew he was joking, but it was still pretty funny. Eric knows he's going to be baptized, he just needs to admit it and get baptized already!

Yesterday we had a great regional conference broadcast. Elder Steven E. Snow of the Presidency of the Seventy spoke about the importance of the Holy Ghost (a great prelude to our lesson on the Holy Ghost with Eric in the afternoon). Then Sister Dalton spoke about the need for faith and virtue in our lives (great for our unmarried couple). Elder Holland spoke about how our homes, meetinghouses and temples can be places of spiritual strength and havens from the evils of the world. Then Elder Packer closed talking about the power and truth of the Gospel. (Both being extremely perfect for our two solid investigators that were at Church, and our flaky investigator that was also there!)

I especially enjoyed Elder Holland's talk. He talked about how if he was sent on assignment anywhere in the Church, and could only ask the Saints one question to gauge their spiritual, physical and emotional well-being, he would ask if the Saints worthily held and used a temple recommend. I thought that was pretty profound. He also said, "An LDS home is the laboratory of the Lord where children learn faith, hope and charity." That really resonated with me from Elder Edwards' words last week in our zone conference, when he talked about how the focus of all our learning on our missions is preparing us to raise the next generation. I just love how it all connects.

Well, that's pretty much all the updates from me! Next Monday I'll be letting you know if I'm getting transferred or staying here another six weeks. Should be fun.

Hope you have a good time at Hilary's wedding! Tell her and Austin congratulations for me!

Love you all!
Sister Heather Holdsworth

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