Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Letter July 13, 2011

Hello family! Sorry about the confusion about P-day getting moved because of our temple trip. We're on our way back to the middle of nowhere now! After the temple we went to Deseret Book to buy a new picture of Jesus to hang in our window (our current one is faded and blue and sad-looking). Then we stopped for lunch at Wendys, and we'll probably stop at a Wal-mart somewhere along the way...we have nothing out where we live, so we're taking advantage of civilization while we're still in it.
Anyways, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed meeting the Hammonds! I guess you asked them if I've been smiling...? Glad to hear they said yes....?
We've been having a good time in Everson. We have been really blessed and led by the Spirit this past week to be in the right places at the right times; we've been able to find two solid investigators by visiting less active members. We are having a lesson with each of them tonight...should be exciting! We're thinking we might even be able to have one of them on-date for baptism by the end of the night! Woo-hoo!
Last Saturday we went down to Arlington for Tad's baptism. It was great to see him and his sister again. Everything is going good with them; lots of people said they've missed me. We stopped in at Wal-mart to pick up some things we don't have access to in Everson and one of the check-stand girls even recognized me and said "oh, you're back! We missed you!" So that was nice. =)
Anyways...tonight should be interesting: for part of the time we're going to be going on splits...but not the "regular" kind of splits your thinking of. I'm going to go visit one of our other investigators with our zone leaders and Sister Taua is going to go visit one of the new investigators with our district leader/his companion...Sounds sketchy. Yes. We agree. But they got President's permisison. We're just planning on having a tearful reunion when we get to be together again! But hopefully it will be a good experience. We'll see what happens.
There isn't much to tell you about the area: we're in the middle of nowhere....I think the only street light I've seen was when we went into Bellingham for an oil change last week...I'm not complaining...there just isn't much to tell??? I don't know what else you want to know? It's a nice area, and the members are really great and generous to us...but truth be told there's just no way I'd ever want to permantly live in such a rural area!! It's also a little bit frustrating because they want us to set a goal of having 15 new contacts a day....and people are just so spread out here and tracting isn't the...smartest thing to do in most neighborhoods in our area we're not really sure how we're going to pull that off. We got 12 yesterday though; the first day trying it out. we'll see how that goes! We're being optimistic about it and trying our best!
I got the pictures from the cruise! It looks like you had lots of fun! Sister Taua and I also appreciated SO much how you were rubbing it in that you've seen Pirates and been riding the new Little Mermaid ride....But we loved looking at the pictures! I'm hoping that I'll be able to develop some pictures to send to you later-on today. I love getting mail! (I'm starting to pander and beg for mail!)
Let's see...things I've learned from my scripture reading? I've been reading in Alma lately. One of the things I've noticed is that when Ammon is teaching King Lamoni and Aaron is teaching his father the first thing after they rise from their slumber is that they're (King Lamnoi/'s father) the first ones to testify and teach those assembled around them, and then the missionaries provide the second witness. That was something interesting that stood out to me this past week.
Anyways! I'll talk to you later! Hope everything is going well this week!
I love you!
-Sister Heather Holdsworth

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